15 Best Amusement Parks In Video Games

2. Lakeside Amusement Park - Silent Hill

final fantasy 7 Golden saucer

Lakeside Amusement Park is easily one of the most iconic video game parks due to how frequently it shows up. Most parks on this list show up only in a singular game whilst Lakeside Amusement Park shows up throughout the Silent Hill franchise. Most notably in the original Silent Hill and Silent Hill 3.

It's no wonder that the place shows up so frequently as it's a terrifying location that's perfect for the series.

Take the Happy Carousel which whilst important in the original title is much more memorable in the third game. In Silent Hill 3 you have to solve a puzzle that involves killing horses attached to the Merry-Go-Round that have been seemingly skinned-alive.

That's not all that this place has to offer though.

There's a rollercoaster that wants to kill you. There's a haunted mansion that wants to kill you. To be honest the whole park wants to kill you.

The place is even where one of the better parts of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories takes place with the Ride of Your Life. A ride that changes depending on your psych profile.

It's also where Robbie the Rabbit comes from who other than Pyramid Head is easily the Silent Hill mascot.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.