15 Best Batman Video Games - Ranked

7. Batman: Arkham Knight

batman Arkham knight

Honestly, it's a bit of a toss-up between Origins and Knight, as what Origins lacks in gameplay progression, it makes up for in lore - yet what Knight lacks in satisfying plot points, it more than makes up for with the best-playing Arkham game of the bunch.

Let's stick to the positives, as Rocksteady had the idea of really letting you feel like the entirety of Gotham was under your protection. They did so with the divisive Batmobile, letting you tear through the city's rainswept streets to stop thugs, catch Most Wanted villains, bring down Scarecrow and Arkham Knight and - of course - solve hundreds of Riddler Challenges.

When it all clicks, you really do feel like you're 'The Batman', the rain bouncing off your cape as you fly down to stop a group of goons from stealing a car - only to then slam a key antagonist's head through a table.

Arkham Knight is certainly divisive, but its highest points are some of Rocksteady's best work to date. It's just a shame the overall bar of quality wasn't upheld throughout.

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