15 Best Batman Video Games - Ranked

6. Batman Returns (1992)

Batman returns

Once again building on that 1989 foundation for side-scrolling Bat-smashing action, Batman Returns advanced everything considerably. Really wanting to get across the sheer escapist power of the character, even connecting with a punch or kick results in an explosion of impact, leaving bodies flying in all directions.

Also introduced were some brilliant environmental interactions, letting you bodyslam goons against walls, through glass or head-first into the plasterboard. Seriously, combining the feel of levelling a guy with a straight-right before picking up another and introducing their face to concrete was an exemplary rush, and almost the 90s incarnation of that warehouse scene in Batman V Superman where Bruce cleans house.

All of this, and I haven't mentioned the stellar Batmobile racing sections. Coming as a result of developers grappling with ever-advanced graphics technology, Batman Returns featured some truly mind-blowing (for the time) chase sequences. Drawing pleasant comparisons to Super Mario Kart or F-Zero, driving the Batmobile in between slamming dudes' heads off each other was a loop of gameplay that still makes this a true classic.

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