15 Best Batman Video Games - Ranked

8. Batman: Arkham Origins

batman arkham origins
Waner Bros.

Although it was derided at the time for being 'churned out' by Warner Bros., Origins has actually reclaimed quite a lot of credibility in both fan and gaming circles alike. And for good reason; the idea of seeing how Bruce established Batman in his most formative years is immediately interesting, and though we don't have Conroy and Hamill voicing Batman and Joker, Roger Craig Smith and Troy Baker are pitch-perfect replacements.

Speaking of Baker, his turn as Joker is outstanding, the game letting you play as him as writers Dooma Wendschuh, Ryan Galletta and Corey May delve into how the Clown Prince's psyche slowly warped to being obsessed with Batman himself.

Then there's the iconic Deathstroke fight, the great array of villains, some ace Riddler puzzles and - again - some of the most interesting territory in Bat-fiction - watching Bruce build the mythos, grappling with the reality of what he was dedicating himself to every night.

Give Origins another shot. I think you'll find it's aged far better than any of us could've imagined.

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