15 Best Batman Video Games - Ranked

5. Batman: The Telltale Series

batman telltale

A completely out of left-field release in 2016, many wondered just what Telltale could bring to the table, being their bread and butter isn't action, but dialogue and story-driven interactions.

Turns out, that was just what we needed, as the team proceeded to flesh out the Bruce Wayne side of things, letting you take part in everything from dinner party conversations to Carmine Falcone shakedowns - all the while living the double life.

You'll bite your tongue as Bruce, knowing you can enact justice once under the cowl, and THAT is the essential missing ingredient no other game has ever come close to: The literal feeling of why Bruce wanted to be Batman, and the escapist freedom behind taking the law into your own hands.

Add in all sorts of sequences where you can choose to be as bone-breakingly brutal or psychologically intimidating as you like, a stellar performance from Troy Baker and a solid story that upends the fiction in a very enjoyable, momentous way. Telltale's Batman is quite the hidden Bat-gem, and easily one of their finest releases.

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