15 Best Batman Video Games - Ranked

4. The Adventures Of Batman & Robin (SNES)

The Adventures Of Batman And Robin

The perfect midpoint between the original '89 brawler and latter releases like The Brave and The Bold, The Adventures of Batman & Robin was genuinely jaw-dropping back in '94.

Mainly down to an exemplary visual style, this felt like you were literally playing the phenomenal Animated Series cartoon. Everything from the fluid way Batman throws his punches, doles out gadgets and leaps around the screen to the fantastic, characterful design of each villain - it instantly got you in the right headspace to play around in the mythos, leading into the best side-scrolling action Batman has ever been part of.

Wall-kicks, a huge array of gadgets, satisfyingly cartoony combat and that theme done in 16-bit chiptune style... playing this now is a love letter straight to your childhood, though if you missed it, The Adventures of Batman & Robin remains straight-up loveable to this day.

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