15 Best Batman Video Games - Ranked

3. Batman: Arkham City

Batman Arkham City
Warner Bros.

Coming off the back of Asylum's runaway success, Rocksteady could easily have released a number of isolated, linear experiences, milking their combat model for all its worth. Instead, they fleshed out every aspect of the explorative parts of the experience, creating one of the most ambitious projects of their career.

No longer were we only resigned to just one island, now there was an entire chunk of Gotham cordoned off to house inmates - an idea that of course, went sideways, requiring Batman to leap in and bust heads until normality was restored. Under the hood, every part of the experience was enhanced, seeing Bats' repertoire of moves expand substantially to include a variety of group counters and room-clearing specials, his unlockable skill-tree being a joy to uncover.

Story-wise we saw the introduction and importance of Catwoman, not to mention one of the best rug-pull plot-twists in gaming, with the eventual fate of the Joker. Arkham City may have chosen to experiment with an open world over stringent linearity, but the result was the first time we were allowed to explore and save Gotham at our leisure.

A mighty fine prospect, indeed.

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