15 Best Batman Video Games - Ranked

11. LEGO Batman Trilogy

Lego Batman: The Videogame
Traveller's Tales

Whilst Traveller's Tales would expand the LEGO Batman games from being grounded, tongue-in-cheek narratives all the way through to essentially 'LEGO DC Universe', the actual feel of playing them barely changed.

Thankfully, that was no bad thing - the 'LEGO formula' became time-tested to perfection over the course of this trilogy - but once you've seen diddy LEGO Bats firing off his diddy LEGO grapple gun and kicking diddy LEGO Joker into multiple pieces, you've seen the pinnacle of what the games had to offer.

Still, each LEGO Batman game had its own story, the first was a launching point to include as many fan-favourite characters as possible, though it's the second entry that stands out as an all-time best. Fleshing itself out into the first open-world LEGO game (complete with DC trimmings), including everybody from Nightwing to Cyborg and letting you drive around LEGO Arkham to your heart's content, there's a ton of beloved, Bat-themed content that comes across perfectly thanks to a very well-meaning development team.

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