15 Best Batman Video Games - Ranked

10. Batman (1990)

Batman The Arcade Game

Back when one of the main places you'd find a gamer was in the arcade, this 1990 beat 'em up was clearly aiming to continue where the 1989 NES edition had left off. Thankfully, it played beautifully, a real testament to the power of Atari's arcade cabinets of the time as Batman ran, jumped, thumped and batarang-thwacked endless goons at what felt like lightspeed.

All-round, Data East did a phenomenal job, both at replicating the look of the 1989 movie with some excellent pixelised versions of Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson, bringing across many set-pieces and stages from the movie, and even including soundbites of our favourite one-liners, too.

Make no mistake, the 1989 Batman flick changed the landscape for superhero movies, feeling like a genuinely life-defining moment for DC and Batman fans alike. Any game that came even remotely close to tapping into that sensational zeitgeist was welcomed with open arms, and it just so happened that the simply-titled 'Batman' was a fantastic game to boot.

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