15 Best Batman Video Games - Ranked

9. Batman: Arkham VR

Batman Arkham VR

Despite being locked to a peripheral (the PS VR) that's still yet to truly find its place, Batman: Arkham VR offers one of the coolest Batman experiences of all time - the ability to literally embody the character from within, solving a murder mystery crimes along the way

Granted it's extremely short, but you can tell Rocksteady had a blast designing a handful of fan-pleasing interactions, all geared to get you into the mind of Bruce Wayne. You'll literally put the mask on with your own two hands after descending into the Batcave, the game then showing you a mirror so you can move and pose. You'll fling batarangs, pull up files from the Bat Computer, talk to Alfred and - best of all - get lost in the augmented reality delights of Detective Vision.

From gadgets to going face to face with the likes of Penguin and Killer Croc (albeit briefly), this is essential fodder for any completionist fan.

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