15 Best Food-Themed Levels In Video Games

6. Sweets Park - Kirby's Epic Yarn

super mario odyssey

The Kirby series has never really gone for realism with its level themes and that's really highlighted with the entirety of Treat Land from Kirby's Epic Yarn.

Treat Land contains levels like "Toy Tracks", a level made of giant toys, "Melody Town", a level made of giant instruments, and of course it has a couple of food levels in it as well - if it didn't we wouldn't be talking about it.

Treat Land contains both "Cocoa Station", a train station made entirely of chocolate and other treats and of course "Sweets Park".

Sweets Park is one of the most joyous levels in a game already filled to the brim with joyous levels. You navigate cake and spinning doughnuts whilst the sweetest music plays over the entire level.

Due to the lack of much threat in Kirby's Epic Yarn this manages to be one of the purest candy land experiences in gaming. Most other levels on this list can't be too sweet as they still need enemies who are going to kill you and other obstacles to overcome.

Yeah, there's technically enemies and obstacles here but it's Kirby so they really don't pose as much of a threat so Sweets Park manages to be a completely wholesome experience.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.