15 Best Food-Themed Levels In Video Games

1. Luncheon Kingdom - Super Mario Odyssey

super mario odyssey

An island made up of giant food with a giant cooking pot on a mountain in the middle of said island, the Luncheon Kingdom is definitely one of the most creative levels in all of Super Mario Odyssey.

It contains so many cool moments. Turning into a block of meat for Cookatiel to carry you into their stew, fighting Hammer Bros only to realise that they're throwing frying pans instead of hammers, and turning into a Lava Bubble to heat up a soup are all really cool moments.

There's plenty of room for these cool moments as well as the Luncheon Kingdom is huge, being easily one of the biggest worlds in the entire game and because of this, it's full of cool secrets to discover which encourage you to explore the world for hours.

In a game where most of the worlds are somewhat realistic, Luncheon Kingdom stands out as one of the most creative levels in the game. It easily could have been another sweet themed food world but instead, it's something much more creative.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.