15 Best Indie Video Games Of 2016 (So Far)
9. The Technomancer
Without getting bogged down into what's classified as an 'indie' game (usually coming from more unique subject matter and a markedly less budget than the top-tier studios), Spider Studios The Technomancer is a project bursting with ambition and creativity, yet one forever hampered by financial restraints and a lack of proficiency.
Its greatest achievement is that it feels like a smaller team 'having a go' and giving it their all, which is the essence of all indie titles - that notion of having an idea and being able to at least put finger to code and get it out there.
The titular Technomancers are essentially an elite group of quasi-religious warriors who've developed the ability to harness electricity, existing on Mars to police a hierarchy governed by the availability of water. Power structures emerge and many of the people are cast into poverty or the sandy wastes themselves, yet due to events of the story you're pushed between every faction imaginable.
Combat apes Dark Souls and The Witcher to make every hit and dodge matter, and although it falls down considerably through some naff lip-synching and voice acting, as a concept and world, The Technomancer claws back considerable ground to become what will surely turn into one 2016's sleeper hits.