15 Best Multiplayer Maps In Gaming History Ranked

6. Blood Gulch - Halo

Left 4 Dead 2

Sometimes simplicity and symmetry is all a map needs.

This fabled map, whether in Halo 1, 2, or 3 was a staple for any team style game, whether it was slayer or capture the flag. This absurdly straightforward arena had everything it needed to enable players of varying play-styles, without being bogged down by any gratuity. The bases offered perfect posts for snipers at the top, with their insides promising some close quarter battles while the seemingly massive stretch from one fort to another provided rolling hills for players to seek cover with.

The map also boasts enough space to allow for the use of vehicles with warthogs and ghosts doing some serious off-roading while banshees scream through the skies. All this action went down just so either the red team or the blue team could have two bases in the middle of a closed off canyon.

Absurdity aside, this map sits on the list because of its place in gaming history, persisting form the days of four-way split screens on CRT TV's, linking one Xbox to another, the birth of Xbox Live, and all the way to the era players enjoy today. It also played a significant roll in gamer culture, serving as the backdrops for Rooster Teeth and Machinama's legendary episodic web-series, Red Vs. Blue.

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A former NCAA runner turned writer, and an ardent aficionado of all things academic, aesthetic and athletic.