15 Best Multiplayer Maps In Gaming History Ranked

5. 2Fort - Team Fortress 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Before Team Fortress became Hat Fortress and before it was free to play, it was simply one of the best multiplayer games of its time. The character system brought in mechanics that used to be exclusive to RPG's and fighting games, with each class having their own set of contrasting special moves and abilities. No map was better to test out these abilities with, than 2fort.

Another classic symmetry based map, these two fortresses had enough depth to flex the strengths of each character, with each ability trumping another, putting both teams at intense stalemate that would plunge into chaos the moment someone finally broke through.

Both forts had posts for sniper duels, A central bridge that could be walked or hopped across by soldiers and scouts as they deftly evaded fire from the uber-charged heavies. Once inside, spies had to find the strategically located sentries and dispensers, avoiding flame from spy-checking pyros, and traps laid by crafty demo-men.

With all these classes clashing, along with the relative proximity of both fortresses, the map was perfect for fast paced and intense games of capture-the-flag, with the heavily guarded intelligence being the prize. Both teams armed themselves to the teeth, making few sensations more rewarding than actually making it from the spawn room to the intel room and back all in one piece.

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A former NCAA runner turned writer, and an ardent aficionado of all things academic, aesthetic and athletic.