15 Best PS1 & PS2 Survival Horror Video Games
13. Second Sight

Scandalously overshadowed by the inferior Psi Ops by a few months (don't @ me), Second Sight was brought to us by the studio behind the Timesplitters franchise. It had a brilliant blend of third person cover shooter and item manipulation via telekinetic powers, set against conspiracy and shady goings on with researching said parapsychology.
Featuring what can only be described as a precognitive plot twist, it transpires that instead of the usual reveal of the past being false, it was indeed the potential future you were playing as. The events you thought were in the past, were actually the present, whilst the present was a possible path that could be avoided. Confused? Don't blame you, it all gets a bit wibbly with time travel.
As mentioned above, Second Sight had the misfortune of coming out a few months after the mindless shooter-with-psychic-powers Psi Ops, which hurt the reception by being perceived as "more of the same".
But, never say never. THQ acquired the rights to Second Sight in 2018, so who knows.
I mean, I don't. I'm not psychic.