15 Best RPGs Of The Decade

3. Mass Effect 2

the witcher 3

There's something to be said for the middle part of a trilogy, the filling, if you will. Wedged between a beginning and end is the chunky filling we all love sinking our teeth into.

Mass Effect is no different. Whilst the first one was a bit janky, it still set the tone for what's to come. Then there's the third one, which just...exists. But it's Mass Effect 2 that fans always come back to, and rightfully so.

It took the formula and expanded on the mythos the series had set, introducing new characters good and bad, building to one of the best game endings ever. Throughout the game you're warned of your consequences of your actions, which becomes apparent in the fabled Suicide Mission for the endgame.

Have you been a benevolent and caring leader, making the right choices, or did you only act for yourself and damn anyone else? These will show in one of the finest examples of peak Bioware, before Andromeda sullied their legacy.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.