15 Best Third-Person Shooters Of The Decade (So Far)

7. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Kojima Productions

gears of war 3

Despite the many disappointing aspects of Metal Gear Solid V's story, we can all agree it was a beautiful looking, well-crafted third-person experience.

Phantom Pain took Metal Gear's gameplay to the series' peak, with its shooting similar to Peace Walker and Guns of The Patriots, but more refined and easier than ever, but no less gratifying. The CQC had come a long way since Snake Eater where it seemed almost like a small fighting game system that didn't clearly explain how to perform certain CQC actions. Fast-forward to Phantom Pain where the CQC has been simplified with the use of the right trigger (or R2).

MGSV is an open world game, but the freedom of "do whatever you like" becomes less appealing once you complete the story, sure there are side ops and collectables, but there's really no drive to do them unless you're hell-bent on one hundred percent'ing the game, which not everyone is.

Still, the very fact that so many of us wished there was more to do after close to 100 hours of gameplay, only reinforces how exquisitely well-playing Kojima Productions' final MGS truly was.


Likes games and movies, writing scripts and listening to Stereophonics, Noel Gallagher, Metallica, Manic Street Preachers.