15 Best Video Game Acting Performances Of The Decade

13. Dave Fennoy - Lee Everett (Telltale's The Walking Dead)

Joel And Sarah

We started our journey with Lee Everett in the back of a police car on the cusp of a full-blown zombie pandemic. We didn’t know much, but considering his current situation, he wasn’t making the best first impression. However, from the moment the squad car flipped off the side of the road, things were about to change for Lee, and our opinion of him with it.

Through the episodic madness that was Telltale’s The Walking Dead, we watched/played Lee as he became the protective father he never knew he could be, the reluctant guardian the band of survivors needed, and a man that was willing to put himself on the front-line for the safety of others.

Always running away from the reputation of his past, the nuanced and tired persona of Lee Everett was brought to its emotional head by Dave Fennoy’s heavy and encapsulating performance. This was a man that wanted to change, and the apocalypse gave him the opportunity to do so.

Despite meeting his heartbreaking end come the first season’s climax, Lee's presence is felt in its subsequent seasons, as the impression and influence he left is felt through the surviving Clementine. While the graphics were always simplistic, Fennoy’s vocal performance spoke volumes for the character.

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Film, TV and gaming enthusiast hailing from the windy realms of the West of Scotland. Lover of sci-fi and expert in expanding my backlog of video games I’ve yet to complete.