15 Biggest Video Game Lies You've Been Told This Decade

10. Halo 5 Will Let You "Hunt The Truth" Behind Master Chief Vs. Spartan Locke

Onto something that was just straight-up miscommunication, as though the coding wing of 343 Industries sent but the barest of memos to their advertising department, you could tell nobody knew how to stop the resultant juggernaut that bolted from the gates.

This miscommunication is my inference, as you literally had a final product that had next to nothing in common with what was advertised.

What Microsoft and 343 DID talk about - or rather, alluded to - was a 'hidden story' of why newcomer Spartan Locke was hunting down Master Chief. In parallel marketing campaigns we saw Locke get the better of Chief, or vice versa - they even had a hashtag and plenty of forums debating fan theories.

What could possibly be this hugely personal reason behind Chief making his first notable enemy, and who would emerge victorious?

Well... erm, nothing.

Turns out at one point the Chief asks to chase down a lead on Cortana, his superiors say "We'd rather you didn't", Locke is dispatched to chase him down, they tussle for literally about two minutes, make up and are friends for the rest of the game.

Hunt the truth? The truth is, you should never trust Halo marketing ever again.

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No Man's Sky
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