16 Hotly Anticipated Video Games Still Coming In 2015

5. Star Fox Zero

Star Fox, saviour of the Wii U... hopefully. It doesn't help matters when Nintendo's President Satoru Iwata is out there giving interviews about how he agrees the console was a failure, but as far as the gaming division of the company are concerned, they're going to do their damnedest to put out a product that satisfies and pleases fans all round. It's no secret Star Fox is one of the most recognisable characters out there, and in a sea of third-person platformers only broken up by something so completely left-field like Bayonetta, his return to the fray is most welcome. The opposition lies in making Zero feel innovative and fun on a console half-built for motion gaming - the result so far being a weird setup where you'll hold the controller up to aim, whilst then attempting to watch both screens in unison. Maybe it'll all come together in the end, or maybe by the time December rolls around we'll have been shown what Ninty's new 'NX' console looks like, and the whole thing will be moot. Either way, Star Fox's return should be a triumphant one, so here's hoping.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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