15 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2016

14. The Last Guardian

the last guardian
Team ICO

Personally I'm a bit shaky when it comes to The Last Guardian, simply because hardly any games make it out of near decade-long dev cycles in one piece, let alone that go on to become true landmark successes.

But then again, none of those games (Duke Nukem Forever... eesh) have the pedigree of Team ICO behind their production values. The masterminds that brought you ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, TLG is supposed to be the simple tale of one young boy and his gigantic mythical pal, Trico.

Trico's A.I. is supposedly the star of the show, showing awareness and acting on its own in ways that sound fairly similar to how Peter Molyneux initially pitched Fable 2's dog relationship.

Either way, The Last Guardian turning into a myth until it resurfaced at E3 last year, and it'll be very interesting to see if the team can convince us it's truly been worth the wait.

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