15 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2016

13. Horizon: Zero Dawn

horizon zero dawn
Guerilla Games

Of all the first-party titles Sony have shown off in, ooh, the entire decade, Horizon: Zero Dawn is instantly the most original and appealing. Coming from the Killzone guys, Guerrilla Games have finally been granted a break from the grey and brown likes of that series, and have taken to crafting a post-apocalyptic warzone where A.I. programs populate the land.

It puts humans on the back foot, and you'll have to hunt for crafting parts and weapons to stay alive, learning how they function, before unfolding precisely what happened to allow your digital overlords to spring into life in the first place.

Hugely ambitious and instantly appealing, we've seen very little of this since its announcement last year - so hopefully Sony will devote a sizeable chunk of their slot to showing it off.

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