15 Iconic PlayStation Franchises - Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Gran Turismo

Even if you didn't think you were a 'car person' or a fan of racing games, Polyphony Digital's Gran Turismo series manages to pull everyone back into the fold with every new release - especially the original trilogy across PS1 and PS2. Seriously, Gran Turismo 3 was as much a life-event as passing your driving test, and the entire industry simply sat back in awe of its powerhouse graphics back in 2001. It didn't stop there though, as the sheer complexity of the racing experience is streamlined so much - alongside being made so accessible - in Sony's flagship driving series, it's almost impossible to not find yourself caught up in every aspect of car culture. Always one to push console tech to its limit, the developers hard at work on these titles continually an experience that's at the very pinnacle of the scale when it comes to sheer technical prowess. And considering that reputation, the imagination goes wild at the prospect of Polyphony taking on VR with their next entry in the series, Gran Turismo Sport. It might take the devs a little longer than others to churn out these releases, but Gran Turismo completely owns its stature as the very definition of a prestigious title - one that's still only available on Playstation.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3