15 Iconic PlayStation Franchises - Ranked From Worst To Best

10. Killzone

Although Killzone is the PlayStation's flagship first person shooter, it's always felt like Guerilla Games' franchise received that title by way of a default win. Never quite as good as they should have been, the Killzone series has flourished on PlayStation no doubt due to the lack of competition on Sony's consoles. That's not to say the games themselves are bad though - they by no means are - just that the series has always promised more than it's ever delivered. Thankfully with the release of the third game and more recently Shadow Fall, it looks like Guerilla Games has begun to shake off the generic formula, adding in exciting new features, changing the colour palette considerably and moving away from the more linear gameplay of the previous entries. So unlike other multiple-entry franchises on this list, Killzone has only benefited from the experience and criticism of each new release. For Sony's most important shooter series, the future has never looked so bright.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3