15 Misleading Video Game Trailers That Totally Lied To You

2. Aliens: Colonial Marines

While the trainwreck of Aliens: Colonial Marines' release is nothing but a gaming joke in 2015, it's easy to forget just how promising the title had looked over the years since its initial reveal in 2008. Marines' failure was so massive not because of how bad the game was, but because of how good (or at least €“ not completely terrible) it looked only a few months before release. Sega bombarded the internet with atmospheric trailer after atmospheric trailer in the weeks leading up to release, and the good-will developers Gearbox had secured from releasing the Borderlands series gave gamers no real reason to be suspicious of what they were seeing. But the rest, as they say, is history, and the retail version of Colonial Marines was famously nothing like the trailers would have had you assume. Entire assets were scrapped, graphics were downgraded to PS2 levels, and a lot of the time you weren't even fighting Aliens €“ but humans. Yep, the worst thing about Colonial Marines' pre-release footage was that it fooled you into thinking the game was actually about Aliens. It's not like they're in the title or anything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWwyDrcywyE

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3