15 Most Criminally Underrated Video Games Of 2016 (So Far)

2. Firewatch

firewatch game
Campo Santo

Critically, Firewatch is an absolute darling, but ask your average gamer and chances are it'll be derisively labelled as nothing more than a 'walking simulator'.

And that's a crying shame, because what Campo Santo have crafted is a tale of isolation, friendship and above all, how we deal with life's inevitable hardships. By placing you in the shoes of Henry, a character who's taken off to the Wyoming wilderness after a harrowing life event, its then how you control him and converse with the overly-friendly Delilah, that'll frame a variety of interactions and ultimately, the ending of the game.

To delve too much into what else happens while Henry is away would ruin the surprise, but sufficed to say the forest may not be as barren as you think, and although retreating to nature can result in some beautiful sunsets and metaphorical mental exhales, those problems so easily fled from will come back around regardless.

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