15 Most Disappointing Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

3. Aliens: Colonial Marines

2014's Alien: Isolation has shown just how good a game based on the classic horror film series can be. Unfortunately, 2013's Colonial Marines showed just how awful a game based on the same source material can be too. The most notable problem with the game is the awful, awful AI found in enemies. The once terrifying Xenomorphs are reduced to blithering idiots here, dancing around and often ignoring the player. In fact, players can simply run through enemy encounters, avoiding combat all together. The AI in enemies is so bad, they will simply forget the player exists. Rather than being a horrifying, tense experience, replicating the films, it turns into a bit of a comedy-fest.
Aside from the problematic AI (or lack thereof), the story was criticised for being inconsistent, despite supposedly fitting into the canon of the Aliens universe. The graphics were also knocked; they were substantially lower quality than pre-release materials showcased. Fans of video games were left disappointed by Colonial Marines' awful gameplay and low production, with fans of the Aliens Universe in general wanting to erase this game from existence. It really is that bad.
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Of The Decade
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.