15 Most Disappointing Video Games Of The Decade

7. Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs

When it was revealed, Ubisoft's Watch Dogs had the weight of an entire generation resting on its back. This was the first next-gen game that players saw anything of (alongside Star Wars 1313, RIP), and its stunning graphics and unique mechanical focus on hacking looked tantalising.

Fans perhaps should have been wary considering the tech this first demo was based on wasn't even public knowledge, but it looked too good to not get swept up in the hype. Sadly, that version of the game never existed, and the eventual release played like an imitation of that first impression.

It had some redeeming factors, but after a widely publicised graphical downgrade, a terrible story and hacking systems that were nowhere near as dynamic as the trailers led you to believe, the release became a cautionary tale for all next-gen games to come.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3