15 Most Embarrassing Video Game Moments Of 2017

7. The First Pokemon Go Fest Is A Total Disaster

Mass Effect

Hell hath no fury like a Pokemon fan scorned.

Pokemon Go Fest was supposed to be an event that featured Pokemon who hadn't graced the game prior, as well as event specific medals, eggs and a special raid. However, it was nothing short of a total catastrophe.

Thanks to the massive amount of people clogged into one park, cell service went down the drain and stress on the game servers skyrocketed, which in turn meant Pokemon Go was unplayable.

Most couldn't connect to the game, and those that could found it hard to do anything inside it. Thousands flocked from all over the country, and some from even outside, so the anger was rising. Not to mention a majority of the fans were stuck in enormous lines trying to not only enter, but also leave the event itself.

At one point, Niantic CEO John Hanke appeared onstage and was met with boos and chants from players saying "We can't play!"

Niantic would go on to issue a refund for all those who attended and registered of $20, the face value of the tickets. They would not however be issuing full refunds to those who paid ticket scalpers $400 to enter the event, because yes, some people paid that much.

Niantic also eventually added $100 Poke Coins to attendees accounts to ease the pain.

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Mass Effect
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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.