15 Most Epic Video Game Boss Battles Of 2016 (So Far)

4. The Witcher 3: Blood And Wine DLC - Dettlaff

The Witcher 3 Blood Wine Dettlaff
CD Projekt RED

Blood and Wine could very well be one of the best expansions we've seen in a video game in a very long time. And with it comes one of the most intense and challenging final boss battles in the game as a whole with Dettlaff.

Dettlaff is a lover scorned, and he is pissed off about it. Not to mention that he's a Higher Vampire, and a badass one at that. As the battle with Dettlaff goes on, you think it's going to be a simple sword fight against a Vampire. That is until he transforms into his other form and holy hell is this form terrifying and hard as ever. Dettlaff has the ability to absolutely run through you with no remorse, and he certainly will.

The design of him, and the design of his abilities are some of the best. The bloody misty aura he is surrounded by at times as well as the flock of bats he transforms into at times all scream vampire, but not in a campy way. Dettlaff will certainly go down as one of the best boss battles to grace The Witcher franchise.

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Uncharted 4
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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.