15 Most Headscratchingly Awful Video Game Redesigns

5. SimCity

space invaders

EA's SimCity reboot was an all around forgettable game, but one major flaw inside the game had people throwing vitriol at it for years.

Pitting players into an "always online" universe let people share their resources with neighboring cities, see other city creations, or see effects such as increased pollution make neighbors sick. As always with most reboots, it's a great idea. On paper.

Server upkeep, however, is not cheap or easy. Upon launch, the game was pounded with constant server issues, which ended up making the game entirely unplayable for anyone at all.

Game developers Maxis defended these decisions, claiming that, although they were working on the servers, letting the game be played offline would require an entire code overhaul, and wouldn't be happening.

However, pirate players ended up creating an offline-mode crack on the first day, reportedly only disabling one line of code. Good grief.

Maxis eventually relented, turned back on their word, and patched in an offline mode. Was that so hard?


Fan of professional wrestling and fighting game enthusiast. While he insists Street Fighter V isn't as bad as you think, he will agree that it's kinda crap anyways.