15 Most Headscratchingly Awful Video Game Redesigns

3. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts n' Bolts

space invaders

When Microsoft bought Rare, they brought their library of games and IP's with them, effectively taking them from Nintendo and giving Microsoft a new bag of ammo for their console wars.

Banjo Kazooie was announced to return to the Xbox 360, with a trailer that simply said "BANJO IS BACK!", letting Rare fans the world over salivate over a new platforming, collectathon adventure featuring their favourite bear and bird duo.

But as time wore on, Microsoft soon revealed the full title of Nuts N' Bolts, along with a brand new feature to let players build vehicles to traverse the terrain and drive over obstacles.

Uhm... Okay, but- Doesn't that kind of kill the purpose of a platformer? To just drive everywhere, or fly over everything?

Nuts N' Bolts sold well, but reviewers were critically mixed on the peculiar introduction, whilst the die-hard fans simply swore that Banjo was ruined, effectively dead. They may have been right, as Banjo has yet to return to a new game since.


Fan of professional wrestling and fighting game enthusiast. While he insists Street Fighter V isn't as bad as you think, he will agree that it's kinda crap anyways.