15 Most Important Games Of This Generation

4. Wii Sports

215252-bowling Again, the 'hardcore' gamer may malign my choice but I don't think too many could make a comprehensive argument against the game. One of the things that defined the seventh generation of gaming was motion control. Nintendo's console was entirely based on the concept and it is and will be the best selling console this generation. And when we are talking about the Wii, Wii Sports is close to follow. When you talk about a console seller, Wii Sports is the embodiment of the concept. It was a game the whole family could play, showcased the strengths of the Wii and really, short of Bejewelled, it was the first serious invitation to the casual gamer. Had the game not shipped with the console it may not be as important, but of course, it did. It proved to be one of Nintendo's best business decisions for years (and still to this day if the Wii U's failings is anything to go by.) Wii Sports was one of the first indications that this generation would be constantly trying to define how we play our games, one that caused all its competitors to follow suit and with products like the Oculous Rift on the horizon, doesn't look like slowing. Wii Sports opened up the console market to a scale we had never seen before and when we look back, could become one of the most important games in gaming history.
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Patrick Dane is someone who spends too much of his time looking at screens. Usually can be seen pretending he works as a film and game blogger, short film director, PA, 1st AD and scriptwriter. Known to frequent London screening rooms, expensive hotels, couches, Costa coffee and his bedroom. If found, could you please return to the internet.