15 Most Mind-Blowing Video Game Plot Twists Of The 2000s

9. Agent 47 Isn't Dead - Hitman: Blood Money

Metal Gear might have the monopoly on bringing characters back from the dead in cutscenes, but only Hitman: Bloody Money has done it in-game. Following an apparent betrayal from your once-trusted Diana, 47's been ambushed and lethally syringed for his past crimes. Straight after we cut to a funeral scene, as 47 is indeed 'dead' on a slab, a gathering of important former targets attending to lord over his final resting place. Credits genuinely roll over the scene too - and you can let them play out if you don't choose to move the analogue stick, ending your respective session on a pretty flat note - but if you do push the stick, 47 will get up, the most righteous manifestation of revenge playing out with you at the controls. Turns out Diana only injected something that slowed your heartbeat to a crawl, faking your death and gathering the most important figures that needed to be taken out the whole time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL0vEUqFv9o Back from the dead and armed with your Silver Baller pistols (laid on your corpse in memoriam), you're free to slice, dice and butcher every single one of those who'd seek to do your wrong. That formerly snow-white suit got bloody as hell, and as a potentially dark-turned-fun slaughterhouse ending point, it was phenomenal.
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