15 Most Terrifying Moments In Non-Horror Video Games

11. The Vortex Queen - Ecco The Dolphin

Same scenario as Undertale where everything seems a little too good to be true, however, this one was a little more sneaky. You start off in the middle of peace and serenity, swimming around the water with no quarrels, nothing on your mind, just relaxation. Then -

Welcome to the Machine! Or more appropriately, Hell!

What in the ever-loving f... just happened?!

Aside from being outright freaky, it's ridiculously difficult, seeing you swim around in some machine/ship thing, avoiding aliens, traps and turrets that will otherwise one hit-kill you.

Then you come up against the Vortex Queen - who looks suspiciously similar in design - to end this freaking nightmare.


Likes games and movies, writing scripts and listening to Stereophonics, Noel Gallagher, Metallica, Manic Street Preachers.