15 Most Underrated Nintendo 3DS Video Games Of All Time

12. Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy

Video Game Consoles
Square Enix

Final Fantasy has always gone above and beyond as far as music and sound design is concerned, producing some of the most memorable tracks in gaming history. The games are known for a number of reasons, but their spectacular battles and stellar soundtracks certainly rank near the top of the list.

Theatrhythm combines these two aspects of the main-line games and delivers an ironically off-beat rhythm/action game hybrid. Play along to your favourite songs like ‘One-Winged Angel’ and ‘To Zanarkand’, whilst making your way through dangerous environments and boss battles.

It’s a weird hybrid, but it works really well. It seems as if a good number of people were confused by the odd title and premise at launch, and were put off because of it. It’s a shame, because it’s a well executed, fresh idea, and a whole lot of fun.

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Big fan of gaming, reading, pro wrestling and complaining. Avid toy collector.