15 Scariest Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)


The most recent entry on this list, SOMA was only released a few weeks ago at the time of writing and yet has already become one of the scariest games of the decade. Whether that€™s a testament to its quality or the lack of other good horror games is for you to decide. It was developed by the brains behind Amnesia: The Dark Descent, and if you played that then SOMA will feel slightly familiar. There€™s a similar eerie quality to the environment, and the corridors and rooms are just as confined and claustrophobic as ever. This time, however, there€™s a stark contrast between the cramped interior of the underwater base, and the endless dark abyss of the ocean floor outside €“ so it€™s a bit more of a dilemma as to which one you€™d rather be in. The monsters are just as terrifying, as well €“ hideous things that you can€™t look at for more than a brief second before having to run away and hide. As with their previous titles, the emphasis on building a tense and suffocating atmosphere is the source of a great deal of the tension and fear in the game. If you haven€™t seen it before, then check it out €“ being new, not many have explored it to the limits as of yet.
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