15 Scariest Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

6. Neverending Nightmares

Neverending Nightmares is one of those games you see and immediately think €œOh God, that looks terrifying€. The unique style lends itself perfectly to horror €“ using only sketchy black and white, apart from to signify blood and gore, straight away puts people on edge. In the developer€™s own words, Neverending Nightmares is a game about mental illness and his own personal struggles with depression and OCD. You can tell from the game€™s content just how badly he suffered €“ paranoia, anxiety and body horror are constant themes. The actual game focuses on Thomas, who suffers from mental illness and keeps having nightmares about killing his sister. Every time you have this nightmare, you wake up in terror €“ only to find that the world outside is spiralling into a series of more and more disturbing events. Some of these are really difficult to watch €“ especially those which involve Thomas mutilating himself. What really adds to the tension is the fact that there€™s no real context for anything we€™re doing €“ we€™re just waking up, exploring a creepy house (which has endless corridors and impossible layouts, so there€™s no real sense of direction) and finding a load of disturbing stuff in the process. Not one for the faint of heart, but well worth your time, Neverending Nightmares shows us a monster more terrifying than any chainsaw-wielding psycho.
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