15 Scariest Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

5. P.T. (Silent Hills)

Oh Konami, how could you mess this up? You had Hideo Kojima, Guillermo del Toro and Norman Reedus on this project €“ how on earth could such a star-studded cast go wrong. And to top it all off, you had P.T. €“ one of the best game teasers ever created. Fortunately, although Silent Hills will never be made and P.T. has been deleted off the Playstation Store, its legacy has not been forgotten €“ and boy was it a terrifying experience. The endlessly looping corridors were bad enough, but throw into the equation the strange audio broadcasts about murders or just chanting numbers; the malicious ghost that pops up way more often than is comfortable just to scare the pants off you; and all of the horrible, grisly detailed gore in the house €“ it€™s enough to make the skin crawl, especially when something that looks disturbingly like a foetus starts talking to you. Even some of puzzles were creepy, notably the one which appeared to crash your game. It was like the horror was trying to get out of the 2D world and into ours €“ something that nobody wants. Unfortunately P.T. is now no longer available to play €“ but if you can find someone who already has a copy, then get set for the fright of your life.
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