15 Scariest Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

4. Outlast

Outlast€™s Mount Massive Asylum is one of the scariest and most frightening locations in gaming. Even without the various inmates, all of whom would like nothing better than to carve you up for their own twisted fantasies, the place itself is somewhere no sane person would ever set foot. Dark, gory, and grimy, is it any wonder that the people who resided there went even more insane? This game is another from the school that won€™t let you fight back. Armed only with a camcorder and a notebook, you have to progress through the floors to try and expose the dark practices at work behind the scenes of the asylum. Lighting plays a huge part in outlast €“ everything looks spooky in the flickering lights and dark shadows of the asylum. But where it gets really creepy is where it gets too dark to see €“ requiring the camcorders night vision mode. It€™s difficult to see anything with any clarity €“ and anything could be a monster creeping up behind you. The events that take place in the asylum don€™t do anything to help you de-stress €“ there€™s a lot of gore and a lot of panicking whilst under attack, and hiding from enemies has never been so tense. But Outlast is really, really good €“ as long as you can keep playing from behind the couch.
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