The Evil Within was directed and created by Shinji Mikami, whose most famous game was the iconic Resident Evil 4. With a talent like that calling the shots, you would hope that youre in for something special but while it might not be the trailblazer everyone was hoping for, its still got that classic Resi feel about it. Within goes for the approach of the more gore, the better and there is plenty of that around. Guts, blood, offal, limbs and intestines everywhere you look theres something to make the stomach churn, which is pretty horiific in and of itself. The plot isnt hugely original there are murders at a mental institute and you have to investigate but its told competently enough, and it isnt really the main focus. Most of the terror in the game comes from navigating the extensive, maze-like corridors, trying to escape or hide from one of the many twisted and disfigured creatures trying to cleave you in twain. Like several recent horror games, stealth is encouraged over actual combat and those moments when trying not to alert an enemy to your presence are genuinely nerve-wracking. If you liked Resi 4, then you should definitely give this a try just be prepared to die a lot.