15 Scariest Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

13. Zombi(U)

Zombies seem to have been at the forefront of horror for a while now, as evidenced by zombie survival horror crafting games being a dime a dozen on Steam Greenlight and other user-made content pages. Because of this, a lot of us have become desensitized to zombies €“ but when a zombie game is done well, they can still be scary €“ take Zombi(U) for instance. Zombi puts you in the shoes of a survivor trying to negotiate the streets of London in a zombie apocalypse €“ fairly standard stuff, and creepy enough in and of itself. However, the game comes into its own once you die. It takes a little bit of inspiration from the Souls series €“ you have the next life to find the character who just bit the dust, now zombified, and kill them to reclaim your gear. Not only is this a really cool concept €“ death actually has meaning if you€™re going to have to kill the character you€™ve spent a good long time kitting out €“ but the game is at its most scary just after you die, because one wrong move and you€™ll be severely disadvantaged for a long, long time afterwards. Chronically underrated whilst a Wii U exclusive, Zombi should pick up a few more sales now it€™s on other platforms.
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