15 Scariest Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

12. Among The Sleep

Quite a few recent horror games have successfully gone down the route of having a completely defenceless player character, choosing to favour stealth and hiding rather than any sort of combat in order to heighten a sense of helplessness and fear. Among the Sleep is one of those games. What makes this game more unique is that you play as a child, with the world seemingly all the more terrifying for being viewed through the eyes of an infant. Everyday things, like wardrobes, become sinister labyrinths ripe with danger and death, and normal rooms turn into surreal environments where monsters lurk in every corner. Add to this the presence of unidentifiable, nightmarish figures that pose as your mother and father (at least through your eyes), and you have a game that makes you feel genuinely uneasy. Thank goodness for Teddy, who acts as a guiding light through these hellish landscapes. Although weak in places, and having a relatively short playtime, Among the Sleep is definitely worth checking out if you€™re a horror fan.
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