15 Scariest Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

9. Alan Wake

For many people, the indisputable king of horror is a certain Stephen King. So if you€™re going to make a horror game, surely there€™s nobody better to take inspiration from? The game follows the titular protagonist trying to overcome writer€™s block by getting away from it all in the remote village of Bright Falls. However, he quickly realises there€™s a dark shadow lurking in the village, which he must battle armed with only a trusty flashlight. An unknowable evil residing in the dark recesses of a town does wonders for building a tense atmosphere €“ which is one of the reasons Alan Wake is creepy. The town itself (and the surrounding environment) is another of the major reasons why this game is so scary. It looks beautiful, for one thing €“ the detail put into crafting it is superb. And honestly, the dark, spooky forests around the town are some of the best in the business. The lighting effects mean that every winding shadow could be a demonic being intent on crushing your skull - or an innocent shrub. There aren€™t many games which can flip in an instant from feeling safe and secure to feeling completely and utterly vulnerable, but Alan Wake manages to achieve that sensation. Spooky, frightening and inspired by a horror genius €“ what€™s not to like?
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