15 Severely Underrated Xbox 360 Games That Deserve A Second Chance

2. Red Faction: Guerrilla

Remember Red Faction? That series with a focus on Martian resistance? Well, we won't blame you if you haven't, seeing as how the series has disappeared completely after THQ's rather unfortunate monetary mishaps came to light. To make matters worse the series ended on somewhat of a down note, with Guerrilla's sequel 'Armageddon' ditching the elements that made its predecessor more successful than other Sci-Fi titles at the time. That's no excuse to avoid a return to the teraformed Martian planet however, as Guerrilla still manages to throw its weight around as an impressive title to this day. The story has you take on the role of Alec Mason - a newly arrived Earth miner on the planet. Unfortunately for Alec, by the time he arrives the colony has been overrun by the oppressive Earth Defence Force, and as one tragic event leads to another joining the resistance begins to seem like a good idea. Mason gets to use all manners of crazy and inventive weaponry to wage war on the red planet, (though non can compete with Mason's trusty sledgehammer) and the destruction engine featured in the game is a spectacle to behold, only being closely matched by DICE's Battlefield titles. The open world may be sparse and somewhat uninvigorating, but beneath the surface lies a truly inventive game that combines all the best elements of Science Fiction with the greatest parts of third person combat - it's not one you want to miss out on.
Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.