15 Simple Things That Could Ruin 2018's Biggest Video Games

2. A Questionable Political Agenda - The Last Night

The Last Night
Odd Tales

On its own merits, The Last Night looks set to be a stylistically audacious, Blade Runner-inspired cyberpunk romp, but almost immediately after the game premiered at last year's E3, designer Tim Soret was raked over the coals for his previous "problematic" pro-Gamergate, anti-feminist opinions, which he swiftly apologised for.

The issues may run deeper than that, though, as the game's narrative appears to have an icky right-wing bent, criticising the notion of Universal Basic Income and the fluidity of personal identity. Though Soret has claimed that The Last Night isn't a work of political propaganda, it's easy to see why so many think he's just towing the company line here.

It's rare that a game is derailed entirely by politics alone, but it may turn out that even The Last Night's beautiful, retro-inspired visuals can't compensate for some eyebrow-raising views on society at large.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.