15 Terrible Mistakes That Almost Ruined Grand Theft Auto

3. Manny Escuela (GTA IV)

There is no character in the GTA franchise more irritating than Manny Escuela, an ex-con apparently devoted to cleaning up Liberty City, though in actual fact he turned out to be an opportunist looking to make a name for himself by having a cameraman film his do-gooding throughout the game. Almost every character he comes across, including Niko, appears to find him obnoxious and irritating, and given how he couldn't go about 5 seconds without saying "the streets", there was a deep player desire for him to meet a grisly end. Thankfully that comes to fruition when Manny attempts to humiliate drug kingpin Elizabeta Torres, yet after snorting a line of coke, she nonchalantly shoots Manny and his cameraman Jay in the head, before paying Niko to take their bodies to a black market organ trader. Hilariously, Niko finally remarks of Manny, "He'd been trying to help the streets his whole life...maybe he'll be actually doing it now." After presenting such an annoying character to players, Rockstar owed it to them to deliver a suitably grisly, comical end for Manny, and quite that they delivered.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.