15 Terrible Mistakes That Almost Ruined Grand Theft Auto

10. No Bikes Or Helicopters (GTA III)

The leap to 3D with the series' ground-breaking Grand Theft Auto III caused a surge in popularity and resulted in numerous clones attempting to ape the GTA formula, yet none have managed to better it. Brilliantly innovative though GTA III was, it was certainly lacking in a few areas, with one of the biggest disappointments being the lack of motorcycles and helicopters. Though both of these omissions were due to technological limitations, the lack of bikes was comically referenced in the Liberty City Stories manual, where it's mentioned that motorcycles were banned in Liberty City at this time. Helicopters, meanwhile, do appear during intense police chases, though the player cannot control any without modding the game. Given how much GTA III got right, it's a shame Rockstar couldn't go the extra mile and include something as rudimentary as bikes. Furthermore, as the flying cars cheat and Dodo were already in the game, would it really have been a huge stretch to include helicopters? At the time, it certainly felt like Rockstar were intentionally holding things back to give the next game more of a selling point, but boy, did they deliver with Vice City or what? The sheer joy of riding a bike while gunning down your enemies as Michael Jackson's Billie Jean blares out cannot be understated.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.