15 Terrible Mistakes That Almost Ruined Grand Theft Auto

9. Stamina, Muscle & Fat (GTA: San Andreas)

One of the more ambitious additions to the franchise with San Andreas was the concept of character-based stats, and though some of these, such as Sex Appeal, Weapon Skill and Respect were non-intrusive enough, there's three big ones which ultimately proved quite irritating throughout the game: stamina, muscle and fat. Stamina is gained by performing exercise, which will then allow CJ to run for longer, muscle is built up through going to the gym and makes attacks more powerful, while eating at Cluckin' Bell, Burger Shot or Well Stacked Pizza will build up your fat, which will then decrease over time. Though it's cool to have the option to make CJ look notably different, the busy work involved with his upkeep ultimately isn't worth it: it's incredibly bothersome to want to start the next mission but, with CJ's stomach growling every few minutes, you need to take care of that first. Thankfully Rockstar realised how obtrusive to the core gameplay this was and toned it down for the subsequent games, with muscle and fat being left out entirely.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.